AI Market Research Tool

Market Research AI User Guide

Find competitors, estimate market cap, pinpoint your target audience, and discover how to make your business stand out in seconds with our AI Market Research Tool! Follow the user guide for more detailed information:

How it works

  • Enter Your Idea: Input a brief description of your business idea and click "Research". A single sentence is sufficient, but we have a template if you want to describe it in more detail! You'll find it below.
  • Receive Analysis: Get a detailed market analysis, including market size, segmentation, customer acquisition costs, and potential revenue.
  • Review Competitors: Gain insights into direct and indirect competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and unique value propositions.
  • Explore Opportunities: Identify hidden opportunities and potential differentiators to enhance your business plan.

Prompt template

Use this simple template to get better results instantly:

Note: Clicking "Copy Prompt" will copy your inputs to the clipboard, allowing you to easily paste them into the tool.

What is our AI Market Research Tool?

Our AI Market Research Tool is an LLM-based platform designed for market analysis. It helps entrepreneurs, business founders, and innovators by quickly validating business ideas and providing detailed market insights. It's fast, completely free, and a great starting point for market research. Try it and get the essential information you need to make smart decisions and plan effectively.


Who is it for:  
  • Entrepreneurs and Startups: Use the tool to quickly validate business ideas without manual research. Develop clear, strategic plans with market insights.
  • Small and Medium Enterprises: Explore new markets or regions for growth. Assess new products or services and understand customer acquisition costs.
  • Investors and Venture Capitalists: Conduct due diligence on investments. Quickly evaluate startups' market potential and spot high-growth trends.
  • Corporate Innovation Teams: Validate new business ideas and research new products. Identify competitive threats and find strategic partners.
  • Marketing Professionals: Create targeted marketing strategies with detailed insights. Analyze competitors and optimize customer acquisition.
  • Academic Researchers and Students: Conduct market research for projects. Gain real-world insights and use data for papers and theses.
  • Non-Profit Organizations and Social Enterprises: Assess market potential for social projects. Find partners and develop sustainable business models.

Tips for best results

  • Describe Your Idea Clearly: Keep your description simple and straightforward. Focus on what your idea is and what it aims to do.
  • Identify the Problem: Think about the specific problem your business idea will solve. Why do people need your product or service?
  • Know Your Audience: Who would benefit from your idea? Think about their age, interests, or specific needs.
  • Specify the Location: Where do you want to offer your product or service? Mention specific cities, regions, or countries.
  • Think About Revenue: How will your business make money? Consider one or two potential sources of revenue, like subscriptions or product sales.
  • Highlight One Unique Feature: What sets your idea apart from others? Mention one key feature that makes your idea unique.

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Wojciech Kniżewski

Senior Business Consultant

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How to
  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the page or post where you want to add the iframe.
  3. Look for an option to add a custom HTML block or switch to a code editor view.
  4. Insert a new block or section for custom HTML if available.
  5. Paste the iframe code into this block or code editor.
  6. Update or publish your page to apply the changes.
  1. Open the page in Elementor.
  2. Drag and drop an "HTML" widget to your desired location.
  3. In the widget settings, paste the iframe code into the "HTML Code" field.
  4. Click "Update" or "Publish" to save changes.